Hi, my name is Dominik

I`m a full-stack Developer

Work it. Fix it. Speed it up.

Projects I`m proud of

Latest Projects


is an immersive mobile game built for the web that challenges players to identify locations within Tokyo using visual clues from carefully curated images. Developed by team of six, our mobile-first design ensures a seamless experience across all devices. Me and my team prioritized accessibility throughout, adhering to inclusive design best practices to create a user interface that's welcoming to all. Visit PoiPoi!

Technologies used include:

  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind
  • MapLibre GL
an image of the application Poipoi


a web application for making personal diary entries. The diary entries can be added/deleted/edited (CRUD) on the website. Futhermore it utilizes AI(Claude by Antrophic) to give a Summary of the last week.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Anthropic AI
A picture of VSCODE of the application Chronicler

My basket diaries

a full-stack web application for creating and sharing food diary entries. The app utilizes CRUD operations and has a custom authentication system. The project features a responsive UI styled with Material-UI, demonstrating skills in full-stack development, database management, and security implementation.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • Material-UI
  • Node.js
an image of the login screen of the applicaton my basket diaries

Contact me

I`m always intrested about new opportunities. LinkedIn or Github